Whispers In The Hallow Night.
The new horror anthology, Whispers In The Hallow Night, is now on Amazon, and features the short story Dead Wait by yours truly! There...
Asa Swift
Whispers In The Hallow Night.
New Nightmares
Haunted Places, Haunted People
Horror By Asa Swift has gone YouTube!
Get In Dreams On Amazon.com, unless you're afraid of night terrors...
In Dreams continues to create more nightmares for readers!
New! Editingle Indie House's horror anthology Vol. 1
New "In Dreams" Series Chapter Posted!
"In Dreams" now available as a series on channillo.com!
Asa News
WIP "In Dreams" Terror Teasers Part II
WIP "In Dreams" Terror Teasers
Devil Re-do
On Pins and Needles
Ready, Set...horror!
Bumps In The Night